Shigeru Miyamoto Interviews June 26 Feature

[Update] Miyamoto on Training Developers, Universal Theme Park Plans, VR and Amiibo in Star Fox Zero


More Miyamoto statements have come in.

The first is from Kotaku, where he states that Amiibo won’t lock away content in Star Fox Zero:

“In terms of being able to unlock content, I don’t really want to go down that path. For this game, I think of it more as, for people who have the Amiibo, they’re going to get a little something extra and that’s how I’m planning on it with this game. So rather than actual abilities or things like that changing in the game, it would be like getting a different skin for the Arwing or something like that.”

“So, I don’t really want to talk about Nintendo in general today, but in terms of what I’m doing with Star Fox, I’m really not thinking about there being locked content or there being a mode that you won’t be able to play if you don’t have one. Since we already have the existing Smash Bros. Amiibos I basically want to put in something so if you already have those Amiibos, I imagine people will try and tap them on Star Fox anyway, and I want to make sure there is something that gives them a nice charge when they do that.”

The second comes from Yahoo, where he explained how VR doesn’t mesh well with Nintendo’s philosophy:

“The current types of virtual reality aren’t really a good fit for Nintendo’s philosophy of trying to create entertainment that people can play together in the living room. We’re constantly looking at different technology and experimenting with different elements of it, but we’re not feeling virtual reality is currently in a place where it’s ready to be released – as a product that fits with our philosophy of fitting in the living room.”

“We’re here at E3 this year to really focus on the games that are launching within the next year or so. We’re not showing off or showcasing anything that’s further down the road, and that’s why you don’t see us here with any samples of potential virtual reality type experiences.”

[Update End]


During a conversation with Kotaku, Sihgeru Miyamoto touched upon the subject of how he develops developers.

He explained he likes them to work on different things one after the other:

Miyamoto: In terms of trying to develop a developer I always try to get them to do lots and lots of different things. Mr. Aonuma is kind of always working on Zelda but for most other people I like to try to get them to try lots of different things. So someone who worked on the art direction for Zelda would then go on to Wii Fit U. That’s kind of how I like to do things. And now Mr. Hayashi is working with me pretty much every day.

Hayashi then commented that he feels that being the closest to Miyamoto in terms of seating helped him land the job for Star Fox Zero.

Hayashi: Yeah, I think definitely the closeness of the seats was important to me getting this job.

Kotaku: Are you literally right next to each other? Nobody in between?

Miyamoto: So I guess there would be one cubicle in between, but if Mr. Hayashi stands up he can see my desk. In terms of the development group, he’s the closest.

Kotaku: Right. And, Mr. Miyamoto, you’re still in a cubicle, right? You’re not an office guy? You’re a cubicle guy?

Miyamoto: Basically I’m on the floor. Now, there’s a conference room kind of near my desk and I’ve sort of started to turn that a bit into an office, but basically I’m on the floor.

Kotaku: You can flip the whole conference room table over…

[everyone laughs]

Miyamoto: It’s too big!


In another discussion with USA Today, Miyamoto also commented on their Theme Park plans with Universal:

“We’ve come to the point where the kids who grew up playing Nintendo games are now parents who have their own kids. I think for them it will be a tremendous experience. We have all the knowledge of who the Mario character is, what the Mario world is and how it’s represented. We have been in constant communication with (Universal) communicating our vision to them, and they’re turning it into something that could exist within that park. It’s really about that partnership. That’s the challenge put forth to Universal Studios. How do you take something digital and bring it into the real world in a way that people can experience it in real life? That’s where we’re working together.”