This post contains the E3 2016 trailer for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns by XSEED and Marvelous.
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This post contains the E3 2016 trailer for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns by XSEED and Marvelous.
Continue readingThis post contains the 3rd Party news from Oct. 12 to 18. Coverage includes Monster Hunter X, Diary and Stories, Ace Attorney 6, Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden, Bandai Namco price drops, Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3, 7th Dragon III Code: VFD, Shin Megami Tensei IV Final, Stella Glow, Rune Factory series, Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories, Medabots 9, Monster Strike, The Smurfs, LEGO Dimensions, LEGO Marvel’s Avengers and Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations.
Continue readingMarvelous uploaded an unboxing video of the SK2 collector’s editions and released new info regarding the DLC schedules. XSEED also published new information regarding the release of the American version of the game. Check inside for all the details.
Continue readingKenichiro Takaki shared some of his ideas that could result in future Senran Kagura projects while talking with Kotaku. Check it out inside.
Continue readingA short gameplay clip of Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale’s English version has shown up on YouTube. Check it out inside.
Continue readingMarvelous and XSEED have uploaded the E3 2015 trailer for Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson. Check it out inside.
Continue readingXSEED has published the first blog post for their localzation of Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale. Check it out inside.
Continue readingAfter teasing the game, XSEED confirmed that Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale is coming to North America. More info inside.
Continue readingXSEED published a launch trailer for Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven. Check it out inside.
Continue readingMarvelous released a new trailer for PoPoLoCrois Farm Story. Check it out inside.
Continue readingMarvelous released a new set of screenshots from PoPoLoCrois Farm Story. Check them out inside.
Continue readingMarvelous released a live stream for Lord of Magna where they covered some details about the gameplay of the game. Check it out inside.
Continue readingMarvelous has published another set of PoPoLoCrois Farm Story screenshots. Check them out inside.
Continue readingMarvelous posted their third blog entry for Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven and shared a new trailer and details about the game’s combat. Check them out inside.
Continue readingWe have some new details on PoPoLoCrois Farm Story’s story. Check them out inside.
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