During this year’s E3 we got some extra details about LEGO Marvel’s Avengers and some screenshots and footage. Check them out inside.
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During this year’s E3 we got some extra details about LEGO Marvel’s Avengers and some screenshots and footage. Check them out inside.
Continue readingXSEED Games released an E3 2015 trailer for Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale. Check it out inside.
Continue readingAtlus released a new trailer for Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight at E3 2015. Check it out inside.
Continue readingBandai Namco uploaded an E3 trailer and screenshots, and we also got some new information on the game’s battle system. Check it all out inside.
Continue readingShin’en’s Manfred Linzner gave an interview about FAST Racing Neo to Jason Chuang. You can read it all inside.
Continue readingShigeru Miyamoto recently gave a very interesting interview to NPR about his career and the origins of Mario, among other things. Check it out inside.
Continue readingIn a recent interview with Gamasutra, Damon Baker, discussed several matters related to Indie games on Nintendo consoles. Check inside for more info.
Continue readingNintendo unveiled more info about Super Mario Maker and released a new trailer and screenshots from the game. Check all out inside.
Continue readingNintendo released a new trailer, screenshots and facts sheet for Hyrule Warriors Legends. Check them out inside.
Continue readingNintendo announced a new multiplayer focused Zelda title, The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes. Check inside for the trailer, screenshots and facts sheet.
Continue readingNintendo released some new assets from Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash and explained why the game is an action-platformer. Check inside for more info.
Continue readingNintendo and Activision announced that Bowser and Donkey Kong are joining Skylanders SuperCharged as guest stars.
Continue readingNintendo unveiled a new game called Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam, a crossover between two of their Mario series. Check inside for the trailer, artwork, facts sheet and some details on the game.
Continue readingA new trailer for the English localization of Yo-kai Watch was shown today. We also got some new screenshots and a Facts Sheet with new details.
Continue readingOver the past few days, Reggie Fils-Aime was interviewed quite a few times about various different subjects. Check inside for more details.
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